Join us at our workshop and transform your enterprise mobile strategy

Created in partnership with Microsoft, our workshop is designed to help your enterprise mobile strategy work harder for you.

The world of enterprise mobile is experiencing fundamental change, with rapid acceleration in technology enabling businesses to tackle key challenges like staff efficiency, data collection, asset optimisation, field operations, and customer experience in completely new and innovative ways.

The challenge lies with the rise of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), where your employees expect to use their own device no matter their business platform and demand the same design and UX standards from their enterprise apps as they do from the consumer apps that sit side by side on their devices. So how do you join up all these expectations to a cohesive service and a smart connected ecosystem?

You can find out more about how to take the next step with your mobile strategy using modern, cross-platform, connected solutions at our workshop on Tuesday 13th November in Edinburgh in partnership with Microsoft. On the day, you’ll discover:

  • What’s driving the move to modern methods of enterprise mobility
  • What you need to consider when modernising your enterprise architecture
  • How you might harness AI, AR and voice interaction within your solutions
  • Next steps: how can you start making progress
  • A range of real-life, enterprise specific examples
  • And finally, an interactive Q&A

Our relationship with Microsoft goes back many years, and as experienced Microsoft technology partners, we hold Gold competency in App Development and Silver in Cloud Development. We’re also a Premier Consulting Partner for Xamarin, Microsoft’s cross-platform native app development suite of tools. Added to that, we’re experienced and award-winning mobile app developers, we’ve won awards for our innovation work and we invest 20% of our profits every year back into R&D to help ensure we’re always at the forefront of innovation.

If you would like to join us, simply sign-up to get your invite here. We look forward to seeing you!

Or if you can't attend our workshop, but you're still interested in working with one of the UK's leading digital innovation practices, get in touch to see how we can help you with your next digital project.


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