Succeeding through Covid-19 challenges

We are closely monitoring the news on Covid-19, keeping up to date and following the latest government advice to make sure we're taking the right steps, at the right time to support all our clients and staff.

What we’re doing

Our full team is now working remotely. Using Microsoft Teams we are routinely coordinating our senior leadership team and delivery teams to ensure there is minimal disruption to delivering excellent work on brief and on schedule. We’re also cooperating very closely with clients, adjusting our schedules and ways of working to fit with their remote working operations and needs. Very quickly, this is working well.

How we’re working

We're a highly versatile company, and as a Microsoft Gold cloud development partner we naturally conduct our work in the cloud. Our teams are already experienced in remote working and, with a global roster of clients, we work effectively to achieve project outcomes at distance.

In terms of day-to-day business, we continue to operate at full capacity; the majority of our team continues to work our normal business hours or to more flexible schedules to adjust for childcare.

So, please reach out to your normal contacts with any queries, however minor, and they’ll be happy to help as usual.

With you all the way

Given our experience, and with such measures in place and working well, we’re very confident of business continuity and in our ability to continue working in close collaboration with each other and with you as our valued clients.

We will continue to monitor the latest government advice and keep you abreast of any changes in response to these, but rest assured Screenmedia is well placed to succeed during this temporary disruption, and we’ll be with you all the way.

All the best,
Kenny Shaw
MD, Screenmedia


Managing Director

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